
With all the concern in the news about the Coronavirus, we wanted to take the opportunity to inform about what we are doing to keep our patients safe if they choose to come in to see us at this time.

Following advice for clinics from Public Health England, we are regularly cleaning and disinfecting surfaces throughout the clinic. This includes chair arms, doors, handrails and, of course, the benches. Paper towels, soap and hand sanitizers are easily available for your use whilst you are with us. Our chiropractor is washing and disinfecting his hands thoroughly throughout the day. We are also advising anyone who is ill not to attend for their appointment.

These measures will minimise the risk of passing on an infection. By taking a few sensible precautions and working together we can reduce the effects of the infection, reduce the disruption to daily life and ensure that everyone who needs to see us is safe.

We want to reassure you that we are monitoring the situation carefully and following the best advice available. If situations change, we will keep patients informed without delay.


What to do if you have symptoms of the Coronavirus

Stay at home for 7 days if you have either:

  • a high temperature – A high temperature (fever) is generally considered to be 38C or over
  • a new continuous cough

This will help to protect others in your community while you are infectious.

Do not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital or come in to our clinic.

You do not need to contact NHS 111 to tell them you’re staying at home.

Source: UK Government

Further information